Monday, October 24, 2011
What happened Saturday?!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
What I want.
Now, let's talk about wants.
I knew what I wanted in terms of the goal and I knew what I wanted out of the process. What do I want on competition day?
Let's start with this:
The last few days have been very emotional for me. I know its a combination of being carb depleted, training hard and trying to get everything taken care of for competition and life in general, but regardless of all of that- it's an emotional time overall. I have worked so hard for the last 3 months, staying insanely focused and determined to reach this goal. It has taken hours in the gym, hours of preparation, and every bit of mental, physical and emotional strength to conquer my days. And now, I've arrived to what I have been working so hard for. To stand in front of the mirror, look at how far my body has come and how far I have come personally, makes me feel things I can barely put into words. Last night, I literally did just that. I stood in front of my full length mirror, naked. Just me, and the progress I've made physically. Just me, and the fears that I've shed. Just me, a better me- accepting (for the very first time in my life), stronger, prouder, peaceful and still. I didn't get into all of this for vanity. It was for health (honestly, read my blog about my allergies and health issues). It was for an experience. I knew, 3 months ago, in the very moment I decided I was going to pursue bodybuilding and compete, that I would put 100% into it and that I'd make it to game day. That's just how I am. But standing there, I was still in awe of what I had accomplished, what I had learned and what I had overcome in the past few months. We all know the definition of dedication and discipline, but to live it is when you truly understand it. I have a better appreciation and understanding for those words as well as who I am. All of this, from training for a bikini competition.
With that, what do I want competition day? Do I want to place? Yes, of course. But I'm not going to expect anything. I have to be realistic. I have come a long way but my body is not 100% show ready. I don't know the girls I'll be going up against but I do know I have worked as hard as I could in the amount of time I had to prepare for this show and that's all I could've done! You better believe I'm going to bring my A game when it comes to stage presence. That's actually more than half of what matters. How would you even choose the final girls when everyone has a sick body. Stage presence and personality account for a lot. The judges have to LIKE you. So no matter what, I will be up on stage, confident and proud, because I am.
My body will continue to change. I will continue training after this competition to lean out even more. I'll be in even better shape for Excalibur December 3rd. I think at that point, I'll be pretty close to where I should/want to be for the stage.
Sooooo what do I want? I want to have fun, I want to celebrate with the people I love and I want saturday to end with only the most amazing memories! Because truly, at the end of the day, my placing does not define me. It's my attitude, it's how I hold my head up, it's what I have learned and who I am today.
Today, I am a better me.
And I am happy.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Update and tickets to the competition!
(I am not sure how long prejudging/finals will take. There are about 150 competitors total for NPC/IFBB. I don't know how large each class/category is so I am unsure of how slowly or quickly they will get to my class! I realize there's a big gap between prejudging and finals but prejudging will NOT go until 6:30pm. No where near 6:30. I do know finals will be shorter than prejudging because they will have already done some comparisons in the morning)
Thursday, September 15, 2011
got red meat?
Friday, September 9, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Prepare yourself for success.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Currently, I am training twice a day because I am a fucking beast. It sounds intense but its not that bad. As soon as I wake up, I do 30 minutes of cardio (before having breakfast) and end with core. My second workout of the day comes in whenever I can fit it in. It just depends on my work schedule. It consists of weight training (1-2 body parts a day: legs, bi's/tri's, shoulders, back, chest) and then another 30 minutes of cardio and end with core training. I switch up the cardio doing endurance and interval training every other cardio session or every other day just so I don't get bored. Won't get into the technicalities of it all like what is more effective etc...Gym time each DAY takes about 1 hour and 45 minutes to 2 hours (max)TOTAL. See, not bad. Also keep in mind I am lifting for 20 minutes tops (for now) since I am only training one muscle group per day and I'm not doing 100 different exercises. BUT when I am in the gym, I work my muscles until failure. Lets say I am doing shoulder presses -3 sets/15 reps. -first 15 reps is one set. I am shooting for 15 with each set but if I can do more, I will and I'll continue to push myself until I literally almost can not lift the weights- so the point is I push myself hard because I'm not lifting for very long so I make it count!!
My diet is pretty freaking clean. Cleaner than what it use to be believe it or not. Yep, it's possible! haha. The hardest part has been to cut down on fruit because I use to eat massive amounts and now I need to watch my sugar intake. I have maybe 2 servings of fruit a day. Since I can't have protein powder (because it usually always has whey which is derived from dairy..obviously a no no for me), I have a lot of chicken for protein! Just less sauces and "extra" things..less eating out. If I do, I order plain chicken and veggies anyway. It kind of urks me because I am paying extra for something I can easily make at home and for a better price! But, I need to be social and "eat out" with friends and what paying extra for chicken happens from time to time..anyyyywayyyy....
Daily diet looks something like this: (eaten every 2-3 hours)
Breakfast: Protein (4-6 oz. Plain grilled chicken breast ..loving my george foreman grill right now...or baked tilapia)
Veggie (Raw spinach salad with a touch of olive oil, balsamic vinegar if I feel like it...if I want to change it up- cauliflower, broccoli-just any type of veg)
Carb (Steamed sweet potato..usually 4-5 oz.)
....maybe a piece of fruit if I am craving something sweet.
Snack: Nuts (Walnuts/pistachios/or cashews)...or raw/steamed veggies. Sometimes with only a little bit of hummus. Sometimes I have a serving of fruit.
Lunch: Same as breakfast
Snack: Same as first snack. Or I will treat myself to a fruit. hahaha..treat...
Dinner: Guess what!? Same as breakfast and lunch but most of the time I do not have carbs, just more veggies.
Dessert: A small piece of dark chocolate. Saves me. I have to allow myself this.
Pre-work out (About an hour before): 2-3 oz. plain grilled chicken breast and some nuts..Or I will have my meal, either lunch or dinner (depending on when I get my 2nd workout in) and then wait about an hour before I head to the gym.
Post-work out (immediately after): 3-4 oz. plain grilled chicken breast. Sometimes I will take it with me to the gym so I can have it as soon as I'm done working out.
It changes a little here and there. Sometimes I have shrimp or white fish. If I want something quick, I just chop everything up and make a salad out of it using less than a tablespoon of olive oil, half tablespoon of balsamic vinegar and a tablespoon of water for a light dressing. I might add avocado or tomatoes and onions. I haven't gotten too creative yet because this is just easy for now and I don't have much time to try anything fancy when I am doing 2 a days and working.
I don't drink Jameson anymore. I have my moments, but for the most part, I've been ok without it. I sound like a freaking alcoholic. I pretty much only drink water-drink tons of water throughout the day. My Nalgene bottle is always with me. I have tea every once in awhile, but I've really cut down on it. Just a personal choice. I'm sure its beneficial somehow? Maybe not.
What I use to supplement my bodacious boday....hahahah
Pre-morning cardio: 1 scoop/5 grams of (Fitness Labs) Glutamine -{Glutamine is insane. Look up the benefits}: taken for recovery, 1 scoop/5 grams of (USPlabs) Jack3d: taken for energy
Post-morning cardio: 1 scoop/5 grams of (Fitness Labs) Glutamine
After breakfast: 1 softgel/1200 mg (Lindberg) Double Strength Fish Oil: helps with recovery and its just straight up good fer yer body.
Pre-2nd session: 1 scoop/5 grams of (Fitness Labs) Glutamine, 1 scoop/5 grams of (USPlabs) Jack3d
Post-2nd session: 1 scoop/5 grams of (Fitness Labs) Glutamine
After dinner: 1 softgel/1200 mg (Lindberg) Double Strength Fish Oil
Pretty simple. I should probably take a multivitamin and some calcium or something.
I am still constantly doing research on meals/diet plans by looking at other successful bodybuilders diets (mainly in bikini of course but I like to look at others just to compare and contrast). Mine coincides with most quite well. Obviously, every body is different and they're at a different place in terms of physique and training so diet will vary a little...but it has helped me tweek things here and there and I take note of what has worked for people. The same goes for training and the exercises I am doing.
I often wonder if what I am doing is enough? Don't get me wrong, I work my ass off but I've never done this before so I don't know what its suppose to feel like, if I should be doing more? Not sure if that makes sense. Soooo I started reading articles and watching videos of bikini/figure pros and their training programs..they all say consistency in training and diet is KEY. One highly successful (pro) competitor says she doesn't kill herself at the gym. She does basic weight training and eats extremely well so that she doesn't have to kill herself in the gym (what a concept). I couldn't believe it when she said that. She does cardio and weights like I do annnnnd she has a SICK body. She too said, CONSISTENCY is key.
Well, I've been consistent and I've been feeling good!!!!! I have moments where I look in the mirror and then I look at the bikini competitors body and I'm like, seriously?.....seriously?...I'm gonna get there? I'm gonna look like seems unreal and in a way unattainable because my body has never looked like any of these girls who compete..its mentally kind of crazy-but obviously I know I can get there AND do well or else I wouldn't be where I am right now-- pursuing this!
P.S and have been my life saver!..mainly Check em out.
Keep your eyes open for how I stayed on track in San Francisco at Outside Lands!!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
A new journey: Buildin that body baby.
As you probably know by now, I have food allergies. It has been a crazy year trying to figure out this body of mine. All that I had been dealing with regarding my body and health sort of inspired me to consider going back to school for fitness and nutrition. I thought that having a formal education in these areas would obviously provide me with knowledge to better myself and my health. Couldn't hurt right? Also, it'd be something positive to do while pursuing acting as there can be a lot of "down time: in this industry. It allows for more hours to work my other jobs, but I also want to continue learning and bettering myself and not just devote myself to working during "off" time in acting. Anyway, I decided I wanted to take that route so I began to research different schools and programs and sent out some emails for info. This was something that I thought a lot about during my last trip to Chicago to see Tony Robbins (it was huge time of reflection and learning!). I came to the conclusion that it was going to require much more time than I was probably anticipating. One thing that was and is very important to me is that I want to be involved in something else but cannot let if affect or take away from my main goal: acting. If an activity has the potential to make me deviate from my priority, it's not going to work. I only say "make me" because school would be a big commitment and if I start something, I need to finish it. During all of this, I somehow fell upon bodybuilding and competing in bodybuilding. The more research I did, the more interested I became. Towards the end of my trip to Chicago, my heart became increasingly set on this. As soon as I got back home, I aggressively researched this world, read stories, and reached out to people I knew who could give some insight and advice. I was so excited I even wrote to people who inspired me in the world of bodybuilding- just found them through google-complete strangers to me! After day one of being back, I was absolutely set on competing.
So heres the news:
It is going to take insane discipline and obviously a lot of hard work but it allows for flexibility in terms of gym time and it's not going to be taking up hours of my day like homework would! I have decided that I'm taking my health into my own hands. To immerse myself into something positive and get in the best shape I can, eat the best I can is a great thing. I don't want to focus on what I "can't eat" anymore. I joke about it, but the last few weeks I've really tried to change the way I look at my allergies and my health and my thoughts are about moving foward. I don't want to focus on what is unresolved or how doctors haven't been able to do much for me. I'm going to do something for myself! Mind, heart and body are all connected and with my mind and my heart in this, how could it not help my body!
Now, you were probably freaking out as you read the paragraph above. Maybe you were asking yourself, what does it mean to "compete" ...or maybe you thought, "bodybuilding?! Nathalie wants to look like a man?!?" ......1. I will explain. 2. No.
So here's how it works. Yeah, the sport is called bodybuilding but there are different categories you compete in: Bodybuilding, Figure, Bikini and Fitness.
You can see the obvious physical differences with the pictures below. With the first three categories, contestants pose. With Fitness (not pictured), there is a routine that is performed with specific requirements in the choreography to showcase strength, flexibility, etc.

I have chosen to compete in BIKINI. Oh hey girl.
Do not be fooled by the title. It doesn't take any less time, energy, effort or discipline. It's not a bikini contest where you just want to simply look hot in a swimsuit. The focus is not so much gaining weight (as figure or bodybuilding would require) but to become lean and look more toned and fit than the average person. Yes, I will be gaining muscle, but I will not be as muscular as figure or bodybuilding competitors.
Week one is done and today is my first full day of rest and recovery. Tomorrow, the cycle repeats itself. Its been an amazing and fulfilling journey so far. I am unbelievably motivated and excited about this! I have been doing research on past competitors for the competition I want to compete in and its quite intimidating. I see why certain people place last, in the middle and FIRST! Even though its intimidating, its pushing me that much more and I have a better idea of the body I need to attain.
I want to encourage everyone to do something positive for their health. Its a great feeling to eat well and be active. I have always tried to be conscious of such habits but now I am jumping in all the way! Not only is this benefiting me physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. I have also once again proven to myself the kind of drive and commitment I have when I make a decision to pursue something. Its a great reminder of a positive attribute. You should remind yourself of these things often- even in the smallest ways! The courage I seem to muster up, always surprises me too. It takes a lot to voice your dreams and goals- especially in something that is so foreign! You are in a more vulnerable position and yes, people might actually be able witness your trails/failures but you need SUPPORT and encouragement. So, put yourself out there. You will be a source of support and encouragement to others when you do this as well. Also, every day I am at the gym is a little victory in more ways than one. We know how intimidating that place can be. Especially as girls.......lifting weights on top of that! I have managed to go to the gym each day eager, focused and with a brave heart- asking questions and asking for help from the employees when I need to and not being afraid to be among the "savages" (what I call the guys who congregate in the free weights area).
I can't believe I am doing this, I can't believe everyone knows now!!! I will continue to share my journey and I hope it can inspire you as others have inspired me.
Some thanks and acknowledgments are in order before I wrap this up!
Danielle, an old friend who competes as well in Seattle was so gracious when I first messaged her with my story and a thousand questions! Definitely one of my first inspirations. She provided me with what resources she knew of and was just incredibly excited for me and encouraging. Someone who I have reached out to and has completely been an angel to me is Nickie! She has offered her guidance, knowledge and support and I could not be more thankful for her. She helped me put together my training program and has been such an encouragement. Definitely an inspiration to me! Her first competition in figure, she placed 5th out of 60 girls! How incredible is that? She is currently training to compete in fitness. It will be for the Tahoe Show August 27th, in Lake Tahoe (duh). Buy your tickets for the show at and support her!! It hasn't only been these two who have been major blessing but also my friends who I have shared this with prior to this post--Nick, Stephanie, Anlee, Greg, Jaymi, Erin, Lanni and who ever else I have spoken with..all have been sooo encouraging and supportive and it MEANS MORE THAN YOU'LL EVER KNOW! Every little thing, I notice, take in and am so thankful for!!!! ak;sdjf..and my mama, OF COURSE:)
Be brave enough to pursue what is in your heart and to share that with others!
P.s Good vibes, prayers, words of encouragement and any advice is ALWAYS welcomed and appreciated.
Oh and I am planning on competing end of October or early/mid November in either Sacramento, Los Angeles or Culver City (all in california for now)..or maybe all? haha...please pray that I am led to the right one!!
Since this is such a long post already, I am going to save the rest of the details (training, diet etc) for another post. Keep your eyes open!!!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Lettuce be healthy.