I have been so incredibly busy, I've barely had any time to put away laundry- let alone sit down and work on blog posts. Now I am making some time for my beloved blog. Here's how I stayed on track during my weekend trip to San Francisco for the Outside Lands Art and Music Festival and also the Lake Tahoe trip for the bodybuilding competition The Tahoe Show!
Preparation is so important to staying on track. I knew that my workout schedule would need to be adjusted a bit but one thing I could absolutely keep consistent were my meals and everything I would consume during my weekends away.
Outside Lands
I packed a soft cooler full of tupperware. I didn't just cook a bunch of food hoping it would last me the whole trip. I did not want to be stuck at a festival that might not have the foods I could eat or have a bad reason to eat what I wasn't suppose to! I thought about how many days I was going to be away and how many meals I would have each day. After coming up with an exact amount, I cooked enough chicken, broccoli and sweet potatoes to keep me on track. For snacking, I packed cherries, walnuts and peanuts. Along with food, I packed all of my supplements.
I knew two-a-days were not going to happen because we were going to be at the music festival all day long. But I was going to do what I could. This meant waking up before everyone else and getting my cardio, weights and core in before we left for outside lands each day (between 7am-8am) Thankfully, the hotel had a gym. It was a super shitty one and I had to make do with free weights and then improvised for cardio by doing jumping jacks and random things..but it worked. The treadmill would increase speed so sporadically, it wasn't safe! I also walked miles from bus stop to bus stop and around the festival so I didn't feel guilty for not doing my 2nd official cardio workout as I would have normally done.
Lake Tahoe
For this trip I did the same exact thing I did for outside lands. It is as simple as that!
Thursday night was an extra late night for me. I didn't get to bed until about 3am and had to wake up at 6:30am to pack the car and drive to long beach to pick up April. To wake up earlier than that to fit in a work out would have been bananas. As much as I wanted to get a workout in, I knew that sleep is just as important as all of the other aspects (training and diet) in successfully reaching my goal. Was 3.5 hours sufficient? No, but it was better than no sleep at all! Plus, I had to drive. Once we got to Tahoe, I didn't want to exhaust my body by attempting to do a work out. I decided to go to bed early to catch up on sleep and then get a workout in the next morning, rested and refreshed. So, thats what I did. There was no 24 hour fitness there so instead of the gym and weight training, I took advantage of the outdoors and took a run to the lake and did some circuit training on the sand. I alternated between different exercises which consisted of squats, lunges and various core exercises. Jumping in the lake for a swim was the best part!!!! The water was perfect. The view was perfect. Sunday we drove back and I was able to get a workout in that night. I did extra cardio to "make-up" for everything in between :)
*Prepare your meals in advance so that you have NO excuses when it comes to meals. I didn't cheat once- not once, with food.
*Be thoughtful and creative with your workouts. This will allow you to stay active and stay on track.
*If you absolutely have to miss a day of training, its OK. But make sure it doesn't become a constant thing. Remember consistency is key.
*Push yourself, learn discipline but also learn to listen to your body! Especially when it comes to rest.

When you truly want to succeed at something, you will put thought and effort into how you will execute the things that will lead you to achieving your goal. It is not always easy but find the tools to aid in progress, not excuses to hold you back.
Good luck!
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