Saturday, February 18, 2012

Rainbows and Butterflies.

I was inspired by a dear friend to be honest, to be real. On her blog, I noticed she has increasingly become more candid about her struggles in the past and present and how she strives to work through them to better herself as a person. Especially when it comes to health and fitness. I know I don't post consistently, but I always hope that when I do, I can have some type of positive impact on a reader. Because of Stephanie, I realized, that in order to affect people on a deeper level, there needs to be a relatable element that comes from honesty. Being honest, even about struggles, has great ability to encourage people too because it makes us feel like we are human. We are not perfect and everyone goes through the same emotional, mental and physical struggles. Just in our own way. This is not to say that I have ever lied or sugar coated anything but I know I haven't shared much of my real inner battles. Positive words are often encouraging of course, but sometimes I personally just want to and need to hear that someone is struggling too! Or, at least has been there before. We all know it's not all rainbows and butterflies. Steph agreed that there is a lot of fluff out there and I as a reader, need that human element. Although my other blog, A Beautiful Life, is pretty raw and emotional, I feel like I need more of that with this blog as I write about my health and fitness journey. How do I truly and sincerely guide, encourage and inspire others if I don't share the nitty gritty, the lowest lows, and ups and downs. I know I am pretty good at being positive and giving pep talks, but I have huge struggles and very low lows as well and at this point, I feel compelled to share! I want to post on a weekly basis giving an update on how I am doing physically, mentally and emotionally and if anything interesting comes up in between, I will share that too. 

Contact me through any avenue you are able to if there is something in particular you'd like me to share or are curious about. I get a lot of messages about what my training is like and what I eat specifically, but with this journey, there is so much more to it than, please ask!

I would love feedback, like "followers" (because I see in my stats that people ARE reading, so it's ok to follow me :)haha) and appreciate your support!!

Thanks for reading,
